Get to know the TABLE consortium

  • ONG ENERGIES 2050 – France                                                                                 

Is a non-profit and non-governmental organisation (NGO) gathering members and partners from over 70 nationalities, committed to the Great Transition, including SDGs, climate change, the energy transition, sustainable cities and territories, biodiversity and, more generally, the shift towards a more humane, plural and united society. The NGO is engaged in a large number of activities, such as technical and research actions, results publication and knowledge sharing, education and training, communication to the greatest number, organisation of meetings and conferences.

  • EUROCREA MERCHANT SRL – Italy                                               

Is a consulting and training company based in Italy, with two offices located in Milan and Naples. Its mission is to improve the competitiveness of the European society, through business development, training and creation of transnational partnerships. The company’s expertise are consulting and advisoring for SMEs, education and training (in the field of business development, HR, organizational management and internationalization) and European projects.

  • AGRUPACION EMPRESARIAL INNOVADORA DE FABRICANTES DE MUEBLES Y AFINES DE LA REGION DE MURCIA, AMUEBLA – Spain                                                              

Founded in 2009, AMUEBLA is comprised of group of stakeholders working together to address needs in the furniture and habitat sector, representing the interests of more than 80 companies and over 2,500 employees. The purpose of AMUEBLA is to facilitate innovative practices to improve the competitiveness of partners companies, to defend their general business interests, and to promote their projection and international visibility. AMUEBLA has participated in more than a dozen European projects within the Erasmus+ and Interreg Europe programmes.

  • UNIVERSITATEA TRANSILVANIA DIN BRASOV, UNITBV – Romania                       

Is a state of higher education located in Brasov, Romania, and by its education offer, scientific research and number of students represent one of Romanian’s large universities. The mission of Transilvania University of Brașov is the production and transfer of knowledge to society by means of initial training at bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees, advanced scientific research, development, innovation, and technological transfer.

  • Agentia pentru Dezvoltare Regionala Nord-Est, NERDA – Romania                    

Is a generator of economic and social development in the North-East Region of Romania. Our agency develops strategies, attracts resources, identifies and implements financing programs and offers services for stimulating sustainable economic development, partnerships and entrepreneurial spirit.

  • Zespol Szkol Drzewnych i Lesnych, ZSDiL – Poland                                        

Wood Technology and Forestry School Complex in Garbatka-Letnisko is a vocational school with 70 years of tradition in professional training of wood technology. The teaching staff consists of enthusiasts in their profession. They have theoretical and practical knowledge thanks to cooperation with companies. Our school offers vocational education programs for children and continuing education courses for adults.

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